Sunday, December 10, 2006


Oh Christmas tree

Add Imagefunhaus and I put up our Christmas tree this week. I love taking out the ornaments and remembering where they can from and when they came into my life. Here are a few of our favorites.

Grams used to paint an ornament for each us girls. This one is from 1977- the best year, the year of my birth!

Here is thom's favorite. He loves it. I think his affection for this particular ornament is somewhat disturbing. My mom gave me this one. She also gives each of us (my sisters and I) an ornament each year.

This is one of my favorites. Sleepy-like, sugar plums, and such.

This one thom brought from his family. I think it came from the Christmas they dropped him off in Berlin.

I vote with Thom for the favorite ornament. Though I am slightly disturbed with myself for feeling this way...
as you should be
I like how that sounds- the year we "dropped Thom off in Berlin." It sounds like some kind of punishment. And my brother deserves lots of punishment. All I'm giving him this year is a big lump of coal.
That is so funny because that is exactly the same thing I was thinking of getting for Mike!
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